Effect of Substrate

SN1 Substrate Effects

The rate determining step (RDS) in SN1 mechanism is dissociation of leaving group to form carbocation.  Thus 3o halides and tosylates react fast by this mechanism since they form relatively stable 3o carbocation intermediates.  Imagine what would happen if methyl bromide (CH3Br) were to react by this mechanism.  Do you think the cation formed would be very stable?


  • 3o > 2o > 1o > methyl
  • Nucleophile not important (it aint in RDS)
  • Rate=k[R-LG]
  • no stereochemistry
  • Favors polar solvents


SN2 Substrate Effects

SN2 mechanism occurs in one step in which the nucleophile attacks the alkyl halide from the backside of the C-LG bond.  When a nucleophile attacks a methyl or primary halide it does not encounter much steric hinderance (i.e. the Nu can easily attack the carbon without bumping into too many other groups).  On the contrary if a nucleophile attempted tp attack a tertiary halide it would encounter steric hinderance.


On the contrary if a nucleophile attempted to attack a tertiary halide it would encounter severe hinderance and be pushed away.



  • methyl > 1o > 2o > 3o (Sterics are important here, see also β-effect)
  • Nucleophile sterics and electronics important.
  • Rate=k[Nu][R-LG]
  • Stereochemical inversion (Walden Inversion) resulting from backside attack
  • Favors polar aprotic solvents



How to determine which mechanism is occuring?

Its easy for methy, primary (1o) and tertiary (3o) haildes and tosylates. Methyl and 1o halides and tosylates will undoubtly follow the SN2 pathway since they can not form stable carbocations required for SN1 and they have least steric hinderance (favors SN2). Tertiary (3o) will follow SN1 pathway since they can form stable cations and have the most steric congestion which limits nucleophilic attack in SN2 like reactions. Secondary halides and tosylates are difficult to predict (in practice they can be problematic as well). Bare in mind that elimination reactions (E1/E2) compete with substitution and often times elimination products form as well.