Electrophilic Aromatic Substitution

Mechanism of Electrophilic Aromatic Substitution (EAS)


Electrophilic Aromatic Substitution (EAS) is a fundamental reaction mechanism in organic chemistry where an electrophile replaces a hydrogen atom on an aromatic ring. This mechanism is key to synthesizing various derivatives of aromatic compounds. The process is characterized by the preservation of the aromaticity of the ring, even though it is temporarily disrupted during the reaction. The EAS mechanism typically involves the following steps:

  1. Formation of the Electrophile

    The first step in an EAS reaction is the generation of a strong electrophile, which can vary depending on the type of reaction. For example, in nitration, the electrophile (NO2+) is generated from nitric acid and sulfuric acid. In a Friedel-Crafts alkylation, the electrophile might be an alkyl carbocation (R+) formed from an alkyl halide and a Lewis acid catalyst.

  2. Electrophilic Attack

    The electrophile attacks the π\pi electrons of the aromatic ring, leading to the formation of a non-aromatic, high-energy intermediate called a sigma complex or an arenium ion. This step is the slowest and rate-determining step of the reaction. It involves the delocalization of the π electrons over the ring and the adjacent carbon atoms, creating a positive charge (carbocation) at the site of electrophilic attack. The positive charge is delocalized over the ring, which partially preserves the stability of the intermediate.

  3. Deprotonation (Elimination)

    A base, often the conjugate base of the acid used to generate the electrophile, removes a hydrogen atom from the carbon atom next to the newly added electrophile. This step restores the aromaticity of the ring by re-establishing the conjugated π electron system. The removal of the hydrogen ion effectively replaces one of the hydrogen atoms on the ring with the electrophile.

  4. Regeneration of the Catalyst (if applicable)

    In reactions where a catalyst is used (e.g., a Lewis acid in Friedel-Crafts reactions), the final step involves the regeneration of the catalyst. This happens simultaneously with the deprotonation step or immediately after, as the catalyst is released and can be reused for further reactions.

The EAS mechanism allows for a wide variety of electrophiles to be introduced into the aromatic ring, enabling the synthesis of numerous aromatic compounds. Some common examples of EAS reactions include:

  • Nitration: Introduction of a nitro group (NO2) into the aromatic ring.
  • Sulfonation: Introduction of a sulfonyl group (SO3H) into the aromatic ring.
  • Halogenation: Introduction of a halogen (Br, Cl, I) into the aromatic ring.
  • Friedel-Crafts Alkylation: Introduction of an alkyl group (R) into the aromatic ring.
  • Friedel-Crafts Acylation: Introduction of an acyl group (RCO) into the aromatic ring.

Each of these reactions follows the general mechanism of electrophilic aromatic substitution, with variations primarily in the formation of the electrophile and the specific conditions required for the reaction.

Take Note
  • Benzene/aromatics typically behave as nucleophiles and react with electrophiles
  • Prefer to do substitution since this preserves the aromaticity
  • Proceeds by addition/elimination sequence resulting in an overall substitution.
  • The different EAS reactions you will learn only differ by the electrophile conditions.
Take Note
  • The cyclohexadienyl cation intermediate (sometime called a sigma complex or arenium ion) and its resonance structures are important in understanding more advanced concepts such as the effect of other substituents on rate and orientation of electrophilic attack.