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The three carbon atoms of cyclopropane are all coplanar.  This is the only cycloalkane which is planar, all others form non-planar structures upon minimization of their torsional, steric and angle strain.

  1. Torsional Strain - All the H atoms are eclipsed.  
    Action Rotate the structure below so you are looking down a C-C bond and examine the eclipsed H's.
  2. Steric Strain - Is minimal in this structure, since no large groups are interacting
  3. Angle strain - The carbons in cyclopropane are sp3 hybrid and as such the C-C-C angles theoretically should be 109.5o.  Because cyclopropane is forced into an equilateral triangle the angles are 60o.  This results in reduced overlap or sp3 hybrid orbitals and very weak bonds.

Cyclopropane is much less stable than propane.